Columbia County Association of Snowmobile Clubs Meeting minutes for November 20, 2008
John Falter called the meeting to order at 7:32pm
Clubs Present: Arlington, Cambria, Columbus Fall River, Doylestown, Rocky Run, Winnebago, Yellow Thunder, Camper Country
Clubs absent: New Haven, Randolph and both clubs dues are still due
MMS&C to approve the secretary’s report from October 23, 2008
MMS&C to approve the treasurer’s report stating a balance of $10,989.29 as of 11-20-08
Debs report: Director meeting minutes were handed out. High school senior scholarship applications are due 2-13-08. Volunteers needed for a trip to Madison to meet our legislators in February, maybe a bus. The committee is working on busses for the convention and the routes. Also seeking volunteers from each club to help out for the convention on 3-27,28,29-09 (i.e. bus stops, hosp. room, etc.)
Peg Benson: Handed out a club info spread sheet and trail marking/removal post card for tracking time. Donna will get a new land use agreement form to all clubs. These are required for every landowner, either signed or witnessed by 2 people if permission is verbal.
Bill Schuman our AWSC president was present. He talked about several issues including the push to tie OWI violations on a snowmobile to a person’s driver’s license. The office also is having big computer problems which will have to be dealt with.
Youth: Please get a list of all youth from each club to Trevor Levey interested in a get together.
Old Business: Gave brief update on memorial park, Steve to update later. John has maps and will get laminated maps to clubs as well.
New Business: The Christmas Party is at Dorothy’s Rainbow Inn at Otsego 12-18-08. Bring nonperishable food items for the food pantries of Columbia County, all clubs encouraged to help. All closed trails due to hunting season need to be marked closed at nearest intersection to prevent dead end problems. Each club should order their own trail markers for non-corridor trails. Club assistance raffle tickets are available from the AWSC office for $2 with the club keeping $1.
Upcoming: Yellow Thunder has raffle tickets for sale for 2-7-09 which include food and beverage, see Gary Tupper. Yellow Thunder and Portage snowmobile safety classes will be held the first two weeks in December. Rocky Run will have a trailside pit stop on 2-7-09. Yellow Thunder to have a bonfire later in the season. Trails will open after deer season closing on 12-15-08 snow conditions permitting.
MMS&C to adjourn at 9:11 pm
Respectfully submitted-Gary Schoppenhorst, Secretary CCASC