Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
Ccasc December Newsletter

Columbia County Association of Snowmobile Clubs

Meeting minutes for December 18, 2008

John Falter called the meeting to order at 7:39, pm

Clubs Present: Arlington, Cambria, Columbus Fall River, Doylestown, Rocky Run, Winnebago, Yellow Thunder, Camper Country, Randolph

Clubs absent: New Haven and their club dues are still due

MMS&C to approve the secretary’s report from November 20, 2008

MMS&C to approve the treasurer’s report stating a balance of $8931.79 as of 12-18-08

Debs report: High school senior scholarship applications are due 2-13-08. Seeking volunteers from each club to help out for the convention on 3-27,28,29-09 (i.e. bus stops, hosp. room, etc.). Out of state user fee increase will be going into the supplemental grooming funds. Director’s meeting in January.

Al’s report: Al gave back maint. & grooming contracts to respective clubs. Clubs should keep copies of all landowner contracts. Greg will update all agencies of trail openings and closures. Let Greg know if trails will be closed for deer hunting.

Old Business: Steve Pate gave a brief update on memorial park; all clubs are to bring back suggestions on naming the park to the January meeting. Pits stops are set for the bus poker run during convention. Also looking for door prizes to be donated for convention with all proceeds to go to the CCASC. Clubs are encouraged to do fund raisers at each bus stop. Gary S. gave an update on Alliant Energy permission to use their property. MMS&C to send thank you letter to Alliant.

New Business: Donna still has ACSA calendars for sale for $20. She went to several meetings and presented various information from each one. Lodi has a new city ord. prohibiting riding after 10:00pm through the park. Kyle Rowe will work with Greg Johnson to post Columbia county trail info on Snow Tracks website. Food pantry donations will be divided into thirds, one third each going to Portage, Columbus/Fall River and Wyocena/Rio pantries.

Upcoming: Yellow Thunder has raffle tickets for sale for 2-7-09 which include food and beverage, see Gary Tupper. Yellow Thunder is having a bonfire this Saturday, December 20 on trail 49 north of Dane. Refreshments will be provided starting at noon.

Rocky Run will have a trailside pit stop on 2-7-09 and a Pancake breakfast on 2-8-09 in Pardeeville.

Doylestown club is having a pancake breakfast on Sunday 1-25-09 at the Casino Supper Club outside of Fall River.

MMS&C to adjourn at 9:02 pm

Respectfully submitted-Gary Schoppenhorst, Secretary CCASC

Published: December 19th, 2008
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