Winnebago Ridgerunner Country Newsletters
December Newsletter




The club ride has been set for January 28th and 29th at Tomahawk. We will be staying at the Super8 of Tomahawk. It was decided the club will pay for one night for active members. The club will also pay for pizza on Friday night. Steve will set up a block of rooms under the Winnebago Ridge Runners name and any member that plans on going should call and make their own reservations @715-453-5210. A meeting place and time will be discussed at the January meeting.


There is still work that needs to be done on the groomer. Don Davis gave a report on the items and he will be working on this a time permits. The drain at the shed did not get finished so this will have to be done in the spring.

Having our meetings at a new place was discussed and we will be checking into a few new places and discussing this at the January meeting.

Our January meeting will be our Christmas party and everyone is asked to bring a dish to pass and a gift (nice or gag) to exchange.


Did you renew your membership? Please send your renewal fee of $20.00 per family to Steve Pate

N6838 Boyd DR. Pardeeville, WI 53954.


Please make sure I have your email address. You can email me at


We are down to about 50 bags of nuts which are for sale at either Polnows Service Station or The Hair Lair in Portage. These make great last minute Christmas gifts so stop by and pick some up and while you are there thank them for selling the extras for us!!


Winnebago Ridge Runners meeting-The Wheel 7:30 January 3rd

President Zan Faul 225-3848

Vice President Doug Baerwolf 697-0567

Treasurer Steve Pate 742-6352

Secretary Sue Mootz 697-2670

Club Website County Hotline 608-227-7433

President Zan Faul 225-3848

Vice President Doug Baerwolf 697-0567

Treasurer Steve Pate 742-6352

Secretary Sue Mootz 697-2670

Club Website County Hotline 608-227-7433

Published: December 20th, 2010
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Copyright 2007 Winnebago Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club | Graphics Provided by: Marshland Graphics Design, LLC W3046 County Road Y, Lomira, WI 53048