CCASC Meeting Minutes
August 20th, 2011
Harley and Betsy Woodward
The meeting was called to order at 4:45 pm by President Gary Tupper. Seven clubs were present with Camper Country, Doylestown, and New Haven being absent.
MMSP to approve the minutesfrom the March 24th, 2011 at Kelly’s Bar.
MMSP to approve the financial report as presented showing an ending balance of $5,180.27. Two payments were made to CenturyTel and West Bend Mutual.
County Liaison Report- All clubs should have gotten their supplemental checks by now. At our next meeting (September) there will a mandatory trail signing meeting at 6:30 before our regular meeting. Diane Conklin, the head of trail funding from the DNR will be there. Just a reminder that the CCASC received the Columbia County Tourism Award. We should be very proud of this. No other reports to be made.
The AWSC Report was given by Director Deb Levey. A few things from the convention held in March were brought to our attention. There has been some confusion about the Cap-Step program, which is currently on hold. There are other issues going on down at the Capital right now. A reminder to please not call there with questions regarding the Cap-Step. Any questions regarding this should be brought to Deb’s attention. The main AWSC office is now set up to pay dues via credit card. The trip to Washington D.C. went very well for Trevor Levey and Donna White. Dave Neuman went along on the trip as well. Special recognition goes out to a member of one of our clubs who received the International Snowmobile Scholarship Award. Congratulations to Trevor Levey for this great achievement. It was recommended by Sue Smedegard that a condensed version of the meeting minutes be available online and the full version be restricted to the officers. Executive director Sam Landes informed clubs that as far as supplemental, Governor Walker is putting money back into our supplemental funding. We should be thankful for this. New directors were appointed into office. At the workshop new directors will hold a “What Do Directors Do” seminar. Miss Snowflake attended the convention and was very personable. Any clubs wanting her to speak, she will be more than willing to. The ISC is still going to be held in Green Bay. Anyone interested in helping, Donna White and Dave Neuman are looking for helpers. The date is set for June 2013. Fundraising at the convention was a great success, $33,540 was raised. Legislation Day is still on hold until further notice. A 3-year contract for the AWSC magazine is a go. The cost for commercial sponsorship on the site is $45/year for standard or $90/year for premier. There are currently 1,300 commercial memberships. A special thanks to all who helped out at the Expo. More games for kids to keep them interested are currently being looked into. If anyone has any old helmets or gear to use for possible games, please let Deb know. Discover Wisconsin was at the Expo doing some filming to promote snowmobiling in Wisconsin. There is a photo contest to decide which counties will or should be highlighted in the video. Photos should include winter settings such as waterfalls, hills, etc. Winning photos will be featured in the magazine. Please submit photos to the AWSC office no later than October 15th. A waiver will need to be signed for permission to use the photos in the magazine, website, TV, etc. The TV show will be aired 3 times. The first will be in February 2012, the second in November 2012, and the third sometime in 2013. The Miss Snowflake Pageant is looking for contestants and judges. It will take place at the Wausau Convention in November. As far as new projects and new trails, there will not be anything new at the present time due to lack of money. A new club was formed, the Vintage and Antique Snowmobile Club. Antique sleds are anything older than 1967. Vintage sleds are from 1967-1983. A reduced registration is being recommended for these sleds. $5 is what is being considered. Do clubs think this is a good price for registration? How many people have sleds that fall in this category? How many register them or don’t register them? Please bring these questions back to your clubs and bring thoughts/opinions to the September meeting. The “Of the Year” award winners were selected and given out at the banquet. No other updates.
The Youth Report was given by youth rep Tyler Brozek. Trevor Levey is no longer a youth rep. He is now a youth advisor. Way to go, Trevor! Tyler should now be contacted regarding youth rep information. At the fall 2011 workshop the youth worked to make a difference for the less fortunate. Another food drive will be held for convention. Food can be sent with Tyler. All youth are now required to attend the “How to Write an Essay and Resume” and “How to Direct” seminars. On September 17th the Youth Grass Drags will be held in Wautoma at the Lake of Woods Campground. Our youth will be leaving around 9-9:30 a.m. The races will be held at 11 a.m. As of now there are enough drivers for the drags. Tyler plans to contact some youth to ride for this event. No other updates.
Old Business-
A. Need a committee to go over Betsy’s book. Lori and Bev agreed to do it. All came back balanced and in good shape.
B. Spreadsheet containing amounts each club received were given out by Peggy and approved.
New Business-
A. Club dues- $50. Please turn in as soon as possible.
B. Map ads- a few have been done. All have been received from Rocky Run. Please bring in any trail updates as well.
C. Meeting Schedule is as follows:
October meeting: Mo Jo’s in Cambria
November meeting: Kelly’s Bar in Randolph
December meeting: Northern Edge in Lodi
January meeting: Crestwood Inn in Pardeeville
February meeting: Dorothy’s Rainbow in Otsego
March meeting: Sher’s Wagon Wheel in Portage
D. Scholarship checks- Trevor Levey and Tracy Brozek. J
E. Joyce was contacted by Wisconsin Care regarding youth volunteers willing to do trail work for us. We are currently not interested as we get funding to do our own trail work.
E. Raffle license- Should we renew license for pull tabs due September 10th for $10? Yes we voted to renew.
Club News and Events-
A. Snow-Blazers Kick-Off Bash- Saturday October 15th, 2011 at the Cardinal Ale House and Bowl in Columbus. $20 per person (includes buffet meal). Cocktails at 6 pm, dinner at 7pm.
B. Arlington Fall Fling- November 11th, 2011 at Leeds Town Hall. $60 for two people (includes dinner and drinks all night). Starts at 6pm.
Next meeting-Leeds Town Hall in Arlington. Signing class at 6:30, regular meeting at 7:30ish. Motion was made and approved for Al to purchase drinks and snacks for meeting.
MMSP to adjourn at 5:55 pm
Respectfully submitted- Katie Dolato (CCASC secretary)